Social Events
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Wednesday, June 22nd - 7:30 pm: Welcome Reception
Location: ETH main hall
We would like to welcome you Wednesday evening in the main hall of ETH Zurich. Begin the scientific gathering in company of old and new friends with a glass of wine and a tasting of Swiss tradition. At the rich buffets, you will get a glimpse of the variety of the Alpine cheese and meat mythology. The reception will be hosted in the neoclassical building of the polytechnic institute designed by Gottfried Semper (a professor of architecture at ETH at the time) and built from 1861 to 1864.

Thursday, June 23rd – 7 pm:
Location: Museum of Fine Arts - ‘Kunsthaus’
Be part of our marry Swiss ‘Grillparty’ in the backyard of the Museum of Fine Arts. Whereas our carnivorous guest may savor the St. Galler Olma Bratwurst, our vegetarians can be looking forward to a vegi burger sizzling on the grill. This casual gathering accompanied by DJ Ricky, offers plenty of opportunities to engage with your fellows in a casual atmosphere. Don’t miss the ice cream from the fine small company ‘Gelati di Zurigo’ before heading to the dance floor.
Guided tours: 6:00 PM/ 7:00 PM
For those who have separately registered, a guided tour in the Museum of Fine Arts or Focus Terra, please gather on time in front of the corresponding location. Discover some of the masterpieces of European art, spanning from the Middle Ages to the 21st century or learn about the formation, mining and use of mineral resources.
Friday, June 24th – 7:30 pm:
Location: Gala Dinner at ‘Kongresshaus’
The conference dinner will be served in the Kongresshaus Zurich, right next to the lake of Zurich. It is a local institution of national and international renown.
Recall that the dinner payment is not included in the discounted registration fee. Please find your place card in the name badge case and bring it to the conference. Once seated, place it in front of your plate.