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external page Matti Liski, Aalto University
Matti Liski is a professor at the department of economics at Aalto University and a visiting professor at Toulouse School of Economics. His fields of interests are energy and environmental markets, natural resources, microeconomic theory, public economics, growth and industrial organization
external page Rohini Pande, Harvard University
Rohini Pande is an economist and the Mohammed Kamal Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School. She co-directs the Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) Initiative. Her research examines the economic costs and benefits of informal and formal institutions and the role of public policy in affecting change.
external page Pietro Peretto, Duke University
Pietro F. Peretto is a professor for the department of economics at Duke University. He is the current Director for the Program on Determinants of Growth, Innovation and Technological Progress within the Innovation Center at Duke. His research focuses on subjects such as industrial organization, technological change, international trade, market structure, the environment and natural resources.